Project Solution

Commercial building code requires Class A rated facing on insulation installed above suspended ceilings. Project Solution: FSK-faced batt insulation was too expensive, so the architect specified FI-FOIL FSK Shield™ as Class A rated facing, with unfaced batt insulation. To allow access to the mechanical and electrical equipment, Polk County Public Schools requested a separate framing system be installed about 1-1/2 feet above the suspended ceiling grid, to support the insulation. On this framing system, the FSK Shield™ is installed foil face down and the unfaced batt insulation is laid on top (see photo 1). After the batt insulation is in place, they install in sections and tape off the joints to create an air barrier (see photo 2). This is the building standard now for all the Polk County Public Schools.
Project Scope
Location | Winter Haven, FL |
Contractor | Acoustical Services, Inc., Eaton Park, FL (Lakeland) |
Building Size | 45,000 sq. ft. |
Date Completed | August 2011 |
Product | FSK Shield™ |
Market | Schools |