Premium, Long-Lasting Reflective Insulation Technology

As a builder and insulation specialist, protecting your crawl spaces becomes paramount, and that is exactly where RBI Shield™ comes in handy. Envision enveloping your structures in a technologically advanced shield that maintains a warm ambiance in the winter and ensures a cool refuge during the summer months.

This is the effectiveness of RBI Shield™, crafted with exceptional R-value and low-e reflective surfaces, specifically engineered to optimize thermal performance across crawl spaces and beyond. It’s not merely an insulation solution; it is a strategic ally meticulously designed to enhance your project’s thermal integrity and energy efficiency, ensuring a robust safeguard against the elements.

Precision-Engineered with Vapor Barrier Capabilities

RBI Shield™ goes beyond traditional insulation by serving as an effective vapor barrier when all joints are sealed meticulously. This feature mitigates condensation risks, safeguarding the structural integrity of buildings and ensuring the longevity of your projects

Formulated for Durability and Longevity

Infused with UV inhibitors and antioxidants, RBI Shield™ is formulated to resist delamination and degradation, ensuring that it maintains not only its thermal performance but also its structural integrity over time, even under rigorous conditions.

Versatile and Easy Installation Process

Available in a wide selection of widths, in single and double bubble versions, RBI Shield™ is designed to cater to a diverse range of architectural needs, giving you a high-performance insulation solution for every project

With its flexibility, RBI can easily be cut and conformed to various structures and existing equipment. This reduces your labor time and costs, enhancing your projects efficiency and profitability.

Key Benefits & Innovative Features for Your Build

  • Flexible, Multi-Use Reflective Bubble Insulation
  • Single or Double Bubble Versions
  • Seven (7) Sizes Available to Fit a Wide Range of Applications
  • 16″, 24″, 48″, 54″, 66″, 72″, 96″ widths available
  • Moisture Resistant Material
  • Contains Anti-Oxidants that Reduce Impact of UV Radiation and Oxidation
  • Ideal for New or Retrofit Applications
  • Residential, Commercial, Industrial Buildings
  • Ideal Applications include: HVAC Ducts, Crawl Spaces, Garage Doors, Metal & Post Frame Buildings
  • White-Reflective version Doubles as a Clean, Finished Ceiling
  • White-Reflective version Brightens Workspace
  • Integral Tape Tab Option to Seal Seams
  • Can be Used Alone, Back-Loaded or Combined with Mass Insulation
  • Reduces Thermal Bridging for Continuous Insulation
  • Class A Flammability Rating, Reflective-Reflective option
  • Reduces Heat Loss in the Winter
  • Improves Thermal Performance & Comfort Year-Round
  • Lightweight and Easy to Install in New and Retrofit Applications
  • Saves Energy to Reduce Operating Costs
  • Installer-Friendly, No Itchy Fibers
  • Ideal for Commercial, Agricultural or Institutional Applications
  • Reduces Condensation
  • Can be Used Alone or Back-Loaded with Mass Insulation
  • Less Expensive than Spray Foam
  • Meets Requirements for Projects Demanding Class A Flammability
  • Integral Tape Tab Options for Aesthetically Finished Look
  • National Network of Insulation Distributors and Contractors
Width of Roll Coverage sq. ft.
16″ 166
24″ 250
48″ 500
54″ 563
66″ 688
72″ 750
96″ 1000
Test Method Description Results
ASTM E-96 Water Vapor Permeance 0
ASTM D-3310 Corrosiveness No Evidence of Cracking or Pitting
ASTM C-1224-03, Section Pliability No Evidence of Cracking or Pitting
ASTM C-1224-03, Section Bleeding & Delamination No Evidencce of Bleeding or Delamination
ASTM E408-71 (2002) Thermal Performance Emissivity 0.03
Reflectivity 97%
Service Temperature 50 degrees F to 180 degrees F
ASTM E-84 / 2599 Flammability Class A
ASTM C-1338 Mold & Mildew Pass
Reflective / Reflective Flame Spread Single Bubble: 0
Double Bubble: 0
Smoke Development Single Bubble: < 50
Double Bubble: < 50
Reflective / Poly Flame Spread Single Bubble: 0
Double Bubble: 0
Smoke Development Single Bubble: < 50
Double Bubble: < 50
ASTM D 638-01 Tensile Strength MD Single Bubble: 33.0 lb/in
Double Bubble: 38.9 lb/in
Tensile Strength TD Single Bubble: 21.4 lb/in
Double Bubble: 27.6 lb/in
Tear Strength MD Single Bubble: 2.6 lbf
Double Bubble: 6.9 lbf
Tear Strength TD Single Bubble: 3.2 lbf
Double Bubble: 7.3 lbf
Compression Strength Single Bubble: 57.3 lbf
Double Bubble: 279 lbf
  • Meets International Building, Residential and Energy Codes
  • Meets Florida Building, Residential and Energy Conservation Codes
  • Meets ASTM C 1224, Reflective Insulation


  • RBI Shield™ Specification Sheet

    1 MB | PDF

  • RBI Shield™ Safety Data Sheet

    84.95 KB | PDF

  • RBI Shield™ Lifetime Limited Warranty

    314.23 KB | PDF

  • AIA MasterSpec

    185.00 KB | DOCX

  • RBI Shield™ CSI 3-Part Guide Specification

    203 KB | DOCX

  • RBI Shield™ Application Sheet – Crawl Space

    4 MB | PDF

  • Florida Commercial Building Code 2020 – FAQs

    232 KB | PDF

  • Florida Residential Building Code 2020 – FAQs

    203 KB | PDF


Condensation will occur on any surface when the temperature of the surface is at or below the “dew-point temperature” for an air-water mixture. The dew-point temperature depends on the dry-bulb temperature (measured with an ordinary thermometer) and the relative humidity in the space next to the surface. The dew-point temperature is less than or equal to the dry-bulb temperature. The two temperatures are equal when the relative humidity is 100%. Some examples of dew-point temperature.

radiant barrier temperature chart

As you can see, condensation can occur when the outside temperature is cold. Insulation below a roof deck will have an inside surface temperature that is above the roof surface temperature. The actual temperature of the inside surface depends on the amount of thermal resistance between the roof and the inside surface. The higher the resistance, the closer the interior surface temperature will be to the inside air temperature. Maintaining a reasonable inside relative humidity (less than 60%) is an important factor in preventing condensation.

A reflective insulation below the roof deck results in an interior surface temperature that is greater than the outside temperature (in cold weather). As the inside surface temperature increases, the conditions for condensation become less likely to occur.

Reflective insulation is one or more low emittance surfaces installed in an enclosed air space. The more layers within the air space, the better the performance. Reflective insulation in a wall system can be compared to a double or triple pane window with low-e surfaces. Triple pane windows with low e surfaces perform better than a triple pane window without low e surfaces because of the reduction of radiation (low emittance) across the air spaces. Air inherently has an R-per-inch value of 5.6, and is an excellent insulator when radiation and convection are controlled. The ASHRAE Handbook has tables with values for various enclosed air spaces (0.5”, 0.75”, 1.5”, 3.5”, etc.) with high emittance surfaces (0.82 for common building materials) and values for air spaces with low emittance surfaces facing the enclosed air space (0.05 for low emittance materials like aluminum). Simply put, adding a low e material makes the enclosed air space perform better. A multilayer reflective insulation system in a wall cavity improves this system by further reducing radiant heat transfer and adding additional “panes”, a two layer reflective insulation could be compared to a double paned window; a three layer to a triple pane window, and so on.. The installation of reflective insulation in an enclosed space reduces thermal radiation to near zero. When the reflective insulation is installed to subdivide an air-filled region then heat transfer by convection is also reduced. Fi-Foil has single layer, two layer, three layer and even honey-comb layer reflective insulation products for various building applications, each with different performance levels and attributes for the particular application. These products also work very well with other types of mass insulation as hybrid systems by using the best attributes of each of the technologies (e.g. spray foam is great for air sealing and can have a high R–value per inch of thickness — fiberglass and cellulose is an inexpensive material to reduce convection in the cavity). In some wall systems, especially wall cavities larger than 1.5”, a combination of reflective insulation with one or more of these mass insulation products, addresses all the modes of heat transfer — often more cost effectively than one of the technologies used alone.

R-values relate more to mass type insulations or insulating materials that are installed in an enclosed air space. Radiant barriers are typically designed to work in vented attics, so their performance is not rated with an R-value; however, R-values are not the ONLY way to quantify resistance to heat flow. For example, a tree or an awning doesn’t have an R-value, but it certainly can keep you cool. To simply put it, a radiant barrier is like putting a shade tree in your attic. Technically speaking, Silver Shield™ Radiant Barrier reflects 97% of the radiant heat and only emits 3% into the attic so unlike R-value, the lower the “E-value”, or the less that it radiates into the attic, the better the radiant barrier. Silver Shield™ is the best-rated radiant barrier on the market.

A water vapor retarder may or may not be part of the design depending on the climate zone and the other building components used in that particular section of the building envelope. If air containing water vapor is allowed to come in contact with a cold surface, then condensation will likely occur. Water vapor transmission can also occur even if the building envelope is air sealed or has an effective and properly installed air barrier. Some insulation systems should include a water vapor retarder and some should allow vapor transmission. Building codes and climate zones generally dictate the use of a water vapor retarder — in short, the envelope is a system and the use should be carefully considered by the building designer.

Reflective insulation has little effect on heat transfer by conduction through the air between hot and cold surfaces. Air with an R-per-inch of 5.6 is an excellent insulator when radiation and convection are controlled. The installation of reflective insulation in an enclosed space reduces thermal radiation to near zero. When the reflective insulation is installed to subdivide an air-filled region then convection is also reduced.


farm building suitable for reflective insulation

Boost Efficiency with a Superior Reflective Bubble Insulation for Agricultural Buildings

Cattle Barns
Chicken Farms
Large Scale Chicken Housing
Other Livestock Buildings

energy efficient commercial building using reflective insulation

Optimize Your Buildings Energy Savings with High-Performance Reflective Bubble Insulation for Commercial Buildings

Metal Roof Buildings
Single and Multi-Family Housing
Commercial or Residential Pole Barns

industrial buildings using reflective insulation

Reflective Bubble Insulation Can Help Maximize the Operational Costs and Efficiency in Your Industrial Buildings

Aircraft Hangers
Military Buildings
Other Industrial Applications

post frame building ready for reflective insulation

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Please don’t hesitate to reach out for inquiries, project consultations, or more information about FI-FOIL® reflective insulation system solutions. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized assistance and technical expertise to meet your specific needs. Please note that the more completely the fields below are filled out, the more accurate your response will be.



We manufacture, market, and distribute high-performance reflective insulation technology and radiant barriers. Our products are sustainable and improve building performance and comfort all year round. Our reflective insulation technology is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the world and we want you to grow with us.

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