Skyflex: Superior Air Barrier Insulation
As demand grows for air barrier insulation, more builders and contractors are choosing FI-FOIL® Skyflex™ due to exceptional thermal performance, durability, and improved productivity that’s leading to savings for many—proving to be a cost-effective solution for walls exposed to extreme temperatures of the summer and winter months.

A tough, flexible air barrier insulation for both residential and commercial buildings, Skyflex™ consists of two layers of aluminum foil laminated to a layer of woven polyethylene. When exposed to an enclosed air space within the wall cavity, Skyflex™ low-emittance (low-E) exterior layers help reduce the radiant heat transfer to gain a more continuous insulation effect.
A Reflective Insulation Solution for Exposed Walls
Using air barrier insulation creates more air-tight space to significantly improve performance and comfort in common areas exposed to excessive temperatures:
⦁ Knee Walls
⦁ Behind Bath Tubs
⦁ Attic Stair Wells
⦁ Bonus Rooms
⦁ And More
Increasingly, builders and contractors are using air barrier insulation to better seal the building envelope. This not only improves performance but also supports sustainability and efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
How It Adds R-value
When one or both sides of Skyflex™ air barrier is exposed, thermal resistance of the wall increases. Air space matters. When used with one side exposed to an attic, Skyflex™ adds an additional 1.7 R-value to the system. When installed with 1.5” of enclosed air space, Skyflex™ adds 2.6 R-value and when installed with .075” of enclosed air space, it adds an additional 2.9 R-value.
The Skyflex™ Advantage
Skyflex™ is a superior reflective insulation. In comparison to Thermo-ply, a commonly used air barrier product, Skyflex offers an improved value proposition due to being more compact, easy to transport, and remarkably easy to install. FI-FOIL® Skyflex™ offers an opportunity to improve productivity and savings on labor and material. And, for many, Skyflex™ offers a high performing, economically smart alternative to Thermo-ply—costing 20% less for material alone.
To learn more about Skyflex™ air barrier and other advanced insulation products and systems, contact the FI-FOIL® team or call us today at 800.448.3401.

Pictured above 40-50 sheets of Thermo-ply at approximately 1280-1600
sqft. Compare and save with just 3 rolls of SkyFlex™ at 500 sqft per roll.