Many, if not all, ICAA members know Phil Rice as a successful insulation contractor and leader in the ICAA trade organization. Phil knows insulation and has seen everything in his 40+ years in business. When it came time to build his home, Phil decided on a hybrid wall insulation consisting of FI-FOIL HY-Fi® and open cell Spray Foam. HY-Fi® allowed him to achieve R-21 in the walls without shaving spray foam.

“It’s a great system that produces less waste for the contractor and a great value for me as a homeowner.”

The result was a high-performance wall that cost less than spray foam alone and delivered the desired thermal performance.

Why HY-Fi®

Using HY-Fi® hybrid systems can help contractors deal with the insulation shortage and provide better performance than blown-in fiberglass. The R-value of fiberglass alone is substantially lower than the R-value of hybrids containing low-emittance, high-reflectance barriers. In fact, a HY-Fi® system was specified in the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) 2017 and 2018 New American Homes. This is a notable endorsement that using HY-Fi® is effective in helping maximize energy efficiency for those looking to lower HERS® scores and meet the criteria for Net Zero homes.

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